Thursday, January 29, 2009

Morning Pictures...

Took some pictures this morning while playing in the kitchen with Elliana. She was running all over the place with her carriage, playing with the toys on the fridge, and climbing all over me on the floor.
She doesn't really like to be in the exersaucer anymore, but she still likes to play with the stuff on it...
Elliana absolutely loves her giant bag of LEGOS that she got from cousin Michaela. She also wants her to come back and play soon!
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Monday, January 26, 2009

Walking Practice!

Elliana has been all about trying to walk these last few days. She is pulling herself along the couch, and especially loves to hold your hands and walk, or use her baby carriage. She gets too excited a lot though, gets on her tippy toes, and laughs as you help her crumple to the ground. She thinks its hilarious to walk from one person to another. Here are some shots of her practicing her newest trick!
Pushing the carraige all alone...
Look Mommy, only one hand...
Inching along the dryer and the cabinets!
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Friday, January 23, 2009

Just Playing...

Here are some shots of Elliana just playing around in the livingroom. She loves the gnome that we record different messages on, you press his tummy and he talks. It changes your voice to a high pitched gnome voice (apparantly they have squeaky voices).

Little Beethoven...
Still hiding and playing peek-a-boo...
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Here are a couple pictures of Elliana with a pretty bow in her hair. These are a few days old, but in the last day or two it really seems like her hair is filling in and getting thicker on the sides as well as the top. The last picture is her taking a nap in the crib, looks like she was trying to climb out and then just fell asleep...

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Are you comfy little girl?
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Monday, January 19, 2009

Giggle Fits!

Elliana gets the giggles on the stairs in this video with Grampy and Grandma. She loves climbing up the stairs and playing peek-a-boo around the posts.

Giggle Fits! from Rob Parsons on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Walking (with help)!

Elliana is getting better at pushing around her little baby carriage. She's usually more interested in walking around to the front and playing with the bear or the tray connected to it, but every once in a while you catch her taking several steps with it. Tough to catch on camera, but I got the elusive little girl in the act today!

Walking, with help! from Rob Parsons on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Second Time's a Charm

Elliana was LOVING the snow her second time out in it. She wanted to pick it up, and push her hands into it, and crawl around (which was very difficult). The little lovie tasted the snow on her mittens and even made herself a tiny snow angel!
Crawling is tough in this stuff...but fun!
That looks yummy!
I'm stuck!
Arms up, arms down...
Beautiful little angel...
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

9 Months Old!!!

Elliana was 9 months old yesterday, wow! I think Elliana looks very pretty with her hair bows (again, I will admit that I'm a bit biased). Here are a few shots of the little lovie, playing and having fun, and looking cute.
No pressure or anything, but Elliana plans on being the next Beethoven or Chopin, as suggested by the fact that she loves her piano from Auntie Sybil...
Another favorite "toy" is the stairs, which she LOVES to climb. If she's in the kitchen, she crawls over to them. If she's in the living room and the gate is just cracked open, it's through the gate and up the stairs.
She loves the railing and when she looks through the bars Grampy tells her, "You are now in Sing Sing!"
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Just Playing...

Here are some shots of Elliana just playing with some of her toys. Note the first picture with the bow in her hair. It doesn't stay in there for very long, she likes to pull it out.
Bag full of goodies...
Big green ball...
I caught it!
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Loving the Snow (not really...)

Here are a few shots from Elliana's first time out in the snow a couple weeks back. She looks pretty cute in her snowsuit, but she was not the happiest little girl you'd ever seen.
More tears in the fresh snow...
Doing ok with Mommy holding her...
She did love sharing snow with Mommy though. A big cold kiss!
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Farm Animal Toy!

Elliana has a farm animal toy that she got from the Murrays. It sticks to the fridge and she absolutely loves to play with it every day. No matter how many times you stick all the little animals and the base to the freezer, she is happy to pull them all off. You get to mix and match farm animal parts and it sings when you make a match or when you mix them up. "You put a cow in front, you put a pig behind, put them together and what do you find? A cow-pig, Moo-Oink! That's silly!"

In other news, Kristen got me some great video editing software so you don't have to watch Elliana with a stretched out head/body anymore. If I have time in the future I'll add titles, transitions and effects, maybe even upload some HighDef video, but for now, I'm just happy with the proper aspect ratio...

Farm Animals from Rob Parsons on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Peek-a-boo and more!

Elliana has been playing peek-a-boo lately. She hides her face, then pops up to surprise you. It's tough to catch on camera as she tends to just stare at the camera instead of continuing to play. Here is a video with peek-a-boo, her sticking out her tongue when asked, and her new sound of na-na-na-na-na...

Peek-a-Boo, Tongue, Na-na-na-na... from Rob Parsons on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Elliana would like to wish you a happy and healthy 2009! Here are some shots of the little lovie on her first New Years Eve. She didn't quite make it to see the ball drop on Times Square, but she had fun until about 8pm or so.
Cute little smirk...
Laughing at Jessica...
Making noise and having fun...
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