Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wet Curls

Elliana got her first hair trim last week from Ashley. Here she is with some wet little curls on her head. I love your haircut!
Yeah, I think this will work for a winter sled, it fits nicely...
Wake up sleepy head!
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Monday, May 25, 2009

We've been Flocked!

Well, Team Re-Lei for life flocked us good. Great idea for a fund raiser, fun and funny. Elliana was loving the pink flamingos all over the yard. Be careful, or you may be the next to be flocked, courtesy of Elliana...
Crazy flamingos...
Flock me?!?! Flock you!!!
Finishing up a trip down the slide (or beginning a climb up?)
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Some Pictures

Slacker, slacker, slacker. I know, sorry. Here are some pictures...
I know there's one left in there...
Pose for the camera!
Good morning Daddy!!!
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day (Number 2)

I can't believe that we just had Kristen's second Mother's Day. We had brunch at our house again with homemade bagels and waffles (with fresh strawberries and whipped cream) and bacon, so much bacon...Good stuff! Here are some pictures, more than usual because I feel bad for being such a slacker and "Anonymous," whoever you are, called me out on the last post, saying that it's "old." So here goes!
Here is Elliana with her Mommy LAST Mother's Day, what a little peanut, just over a month old...
And here is the big girl this Mother's Day playing out in the yard with everyone.
Hamming it up for the camera, her new thing is the head tilt "posing" for pictures...
All sorts of teeth in that cute little mouth...
Waffles AND Bubbles...
Tee Hee!
This book only has one page!
Who me?
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Video Fun

Here is a video of Elliana from around her birthday. It is a good one 'cause she is yelling for Daddy on the phone, then does the Grampy "growl," in which she calls Grampy DADA, just in her little growling voice. She "sings" to the camera, growls at the penguin, and whips all her little animals off the couch. All in all, a pretty eventful single recording. Enjoy!

Having Fun with Elliana from Rob Parsons on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Dolls!

Elliana got some new dolls to play with. Here are some shots with her and Mommy. These match her first "Mexico Baby," and she loves the bright colors. Elliana says thanks for grabbing these for us and shipping them up Bill and Janee!

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses (or Daffodils!)

The past few weekends, the flowers in the backyard really started to bloom. Elliana loves to go up to them and sniff sniff sniff in and out to see how they smell. It is really funny, and cute. Here are some shots of her walking around out there and checking out the daffodils.
Sniff, sniff...
Is this the one you want me to pick?!?!
I don't know what you have there, but it looks yummy...
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