Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Yeah, yeah, it's been a while and I'm the worst. Let's get back to it, just in time for the next big snowstorm. Here are some shots of Elliana from the last one. Gotta keep those gloves clean of snow...

Mmmm, icy!
Personal igloo...
Keeping out of the elements...
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day

Here are some shots from the last snowy day. Elliana was all bundled up and ready to stomp around in the snow!
Making sure it tastes ok...
Climbing through her igloo tunnel...
Celebrating the New Year with best girlfriend Taryn!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Here are some shots from Christmas. Elliana loved all of her presents (thank you everyone!) and had a wonderful week home with Mommy and Daddy. Here she is on Christmas Eve making sure the chimney and fireplace are all set for Santa.

Christmas morning, a new easel and bitty baby doll!
A backpack for bitty baby!
Having fun already...

First dress up dress, Princess and the Frog!
Alice in Wonderland dress, on the top of Elliana's list!
Deciding what to play with first...
A big girl bike from Papa!
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