Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Elliana is getting bigger and bigger (and cuter!). We had her doctor's appointment on Monday, and she is up 2 pounds from a month ago, weighing in at 11 pounds 6 ounces, and a length of 24". Now she will pretty much hold her head up herself if you sit her up, and she seems to prefer looking outward so she can see what is going on (instead of having her face to your chest or shoulder.) She looked cute today at lunchtime in her leggings from Auntie Hayley, and had some a nice big smile for me! It is definitely nice to be able to get home for lunch to see her.

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hcollins20 said...

She is so awesome in her leggings, Love her, such a doll!!!

Auntie Hayley

Now we just need to get her big enough to wear her tunic!!!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute and she is the best behaved . Love that smile