Thursday, September 4, 2008

Comments Galore!

Wow, you guys really came through with the comments, and I was only half serious. I would never hold out on you for too long! Here are some more of Elliana playing in her favorite toy, biting her favorite fake apple, and playing with her favorite butterfly just before a big sneeze (I missed the picture of the actual sneeze, but you can almost see it coming).

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Anonymous said...

She looks like a really unhappy child! She must be really missing mommy! Only one more day until the weekend Kristen.:)

Love, Auntie Sybil

hcollins20 said...

I wish that she wasn't so cute. Sorry I was late on the posting. How did the pics from the cruiseport come out???

Cuz Hayley

hcollins20 said...

And by the way I am the worst cousin ever, I forgot your birthday. Sorry!!! Are you guys going to the party next weekend???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she is so cute. i love seeing how big she is getting. I hope you got through the last couple of days going back to work Kristen.