Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

This past Saturday was Mommy's birthday and we had cake and icecream on Sunday. Elliana was mesmerized by the candles on the cake and helped Kristen blow them out. (If you are wondering, drool will put out flames). She is still trying her best to get the hang of crawling forward, and now she is really close to being able to tuck one leg underneath herself to sit up from laying down, but not quite there yet.
Happy in the exersaucer
Laughing with Grandma
Big girl sippie cup!
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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kristen!! Hope your day was as special as you are!!Elliana was very sweet helping you put out the candles!!She is such a happy little love,you guys are great parents,it shows!!!!! Big Kiss To All!! Kathy Gillis

Carla said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. I can't believe how big Elliana is getting and she gets cuter and cuter everyday!! Miss you lots!