Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Ride and more...

Here is Elliana on her first ride, the sea horse on the carousel at Six Flags in Lake George.
Some of the Lake George Crew...

Yummy fingers...

Elliana LOVES her exer-saucer. She is really close to ripping the red doggie right off the base of the thing...

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Provincetown Ferry

Elliana, Kristen and I took the ferry boat from Gloucester to Provincetown. It was a nice boat ride (the baby's first) and we had a good time down there. We had lunch, walked around, checked out the shops and finished it off with gelato. On the trip back we got to see some whales up close, which was a good little bonus.

All tuckered out and ready for bed after a long day...

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Lake George Trip

I apologize for being a terrible blogger and not updating the site for a while now. We were on vacation in Lake George, and then home a couple days, and I just never got around to it. Relaxing seemed like a much better plan.
We went with the Mathews and Fossianos and Elliana loved her first vacation. We went to Six Flags and she rode on her first ride, the Carousel. She loved it so much she tried to eat the sea horse she was riding on.
Here is the sleepy head with Mommy at Bolton Landing.

Here is cousin Anthony pushing her around until she fell asleep.

We caught a few smiles though before her eyes closed.

Here is Mommy, Daddy and the little love on top of Prospect Mountain, nice views of the lake from 2000 feet.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Doctor Update

We had Elliana's 4 month old doctor's appointment yesterday. She weighed in at 14 lbs. 2 oz and was 25" long. She got a few shots, which was horrible to watch (again), but she was fine after a minute or two. Dr. Orr also confirmed that because she has a tooth, rolls over both ways, and sits up well with help that she definitely has ABS (Advanced Baby Syndrome)...
Just kidding, he didn't call it that.
Some more pictures...

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Monday, August 11, 2008

4 Months Old!!!

Ok, the little girl is getting bigger, and now she is 4 months old. We can't believe how fast it is going by. We went to the beach Saturday and to Uncle Matt's birthday on Sunday. Someday soon I am sure all this rain will stop!

Good shot of the tooth if you click this picture

Love the shadows in this one
Elliana loves her (great) Nanny
Visting with Auntie (cousin) Hayley
Elliana loves to grab her feet now, she thinks it's funny.
Ever see the bunny suit in "A Christmas Story?" Good thing she's a little girl and it's cute on her!
Big smiles for Mommy
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sleepwalker like Daddy?

So, Elliana's dad has been known to sleepwalk every so often. Perhaps she takes after him because the little lovie went to bed like this...

And in the morning she was in this orientation. Note that the picture is taken from almost the same angle...

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Roll over Beethoven (the other way!)

The little lovie rolled over from her back to front the other day. She also has been upgraded to the big girl crib (she had slept in the bassinet in our room up until now.) She made the bassinet look so little, but now she makes the crib seem really big. I will try to get some more video up sometime soon. Here are some more pictures of the girl.

I love to look at you dollie!

But I love to bite you more!

You think I can reach that bumble bee and yank it down?

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