Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conehead Birthday!

Elliana had her first real ice cream for her birthday on Friday. She got a Conehead Sundae from Friendly's with Mommy, Daddy, Grampy and Grandma. I don't think that another human could enjoy food as much as Elliana enjoyed that ice cream. She dug right in with her hands, pinching vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and whipped cream between her fingers and putting it directly in her mouth. Then she skipped the hand shovel method and went directly to the cone, here are some pictures!
I forgot, she used a spoon too!
Best food ever!!!
Do you think he knows it's my Birthday?
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Anonymous said...

OMG, These pictures are sooooo cute!She sure looked like she loved that conehead sunday!!I really loved that last picture,she is so pretty.She is certainly a very loved little girl!By the way,Mom is doing so much better. She is looking great,and getting stronger every day. Love to All, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Those are some real cute pictures. Love the eyes. She looks like she's going to be a real tease. Watch out for the boys.