Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day (Number 2)

I can't believe that we just had Kristen's second Mother's Day. We had brunch at our house again with homemade bagels and waffles (with fresh strawberries and whipped cream) and bacon, so much bacon...Good stuff! Here are some pictures, more than usual because I feel bad for being such a slacker and "Anonymous," whoever you are, called me out on the last post, saying that it's "old." So here goes!
Here is Elliana with her Mommy LAST Mother's Day, what a little peanut, just over a month old...
And here is the big girl this Mother's Day playing out in the yard with everyone.
Hamming it up for the camera, her new thing is the head tilt "posing" for pictures...
All sorts of teeth in that cute little mouth...
Waffles AND Bubbles...
Tee Hee!
This book only has one page!
Who me?
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Anonymous said...

These pictures are so adorable!Boy, she sure has grown up! I love that picture of Kristan holding Elliana last Mothers day,ssssssoooooooo precious!She looks so cute in that colorful little dress, she is a living doll!!Loving the pictures! Big kiss and hug to my favorite little girl! Love, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Elliana is really getting so grown up. But it's too fast. Love the dress and the yard looks great too. see you soon.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there to celebrate mothers day with Elliana! She looks so cute. She needs to stop napping in the afternoon so that I can visit! I'll admit that I am anonymous, I haven't had any Elli time so I keep looking for updates and have been VERY dissapointed.
Love Ya
Auntie Sybil