Saturday, August 22, 2009

San Francisco Treat, Ding-Ding!

Kristen and I are on a mini-vacation in San Francisco this weekend. Elliana is home with Grandma and Grampy having all sorts of fun. Here is a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Kristen wearing a bib to avoid getting Cioppino on her shirt. The wait staff forced this upon her, and when Kristen attempted to refuse, he kindly insisted tying it on. Hilarious!
Sea Lions lounging in the sun, Elliana will love this one!
The tiny dancer having fun back home, we miss you!
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1 comment:

trish said...

Hope you guys had an awesome time in San Francisco. Kristen looks very chic in her bib! Good to see Elliana dancing in the streets of Gloucester. Did Grandma and Grampy dance in the streets too, or were they passed out on the sidewalk??