Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Halloween!!!

Well, it's not Halloween quite yet, but Elliana thought she would try to scare you anyways. Here are some pictures of the little pumpkin...
Cutest pumpkin patch ever?
Please take off that mask!
Ohhh, is that a ghost over there?!?!
They don't call me pumpkin head for nothing!
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Almy said...

I cannot tell you how happy I was when I opened my email and saw my little granddaughter in that pumpkin. She is the cutest child ever! The pictures should be in a contest for the cutest baby. Thank you for making my morning so happy.

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that elliana is the cutest little pumpkin!!!Grandma is right,seeing elliana always puts a smile on your face, and starts your day on a happy note!!Happy Halloween everyone,have fun!!!

hcollins20 said...

They are great. Was that at your house??? Hope all is well. You need to get a picture in her new halloween onesie for me. Love ya, Hayley

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!
Auntie Sybil

Anonymous said...

Sue Pope said,
Oh how cute she is she!!!!! I hope to see her on Halloween.Rhonda just told me she is crawling. Oh my!!! She is so cute in that pumpkin. These pictures are making me smile. Call me sometime and we will chat.
Love, Sue

PS I hope Elliana's cold is better.

Anonymous said...

I didn't believe Elliana could get any cuter but I was wrong!!! Love the pumpkin photos. Grandma is right-you should enter some of these pictures in a contest. Elliana could help you pay off some of your college loans. Hope to see you soon!! Happy Halloween Elliana! "Tweet Tweet" Love, Auntie Rhonda